megan woods

humble soul guide



The Art ​THat I do

I love to offer intuitive guidance to ​individuals seeking to orient their lives to a ​soul-led path. I help clients navigate change ​and transformation through a deep ​grounding in the knowledge that ​everything is ultimately happening for your ​evolution.

This is not about shaming ourselves by ​believing that we deserve the pain and ​trauma we have experienced. This is about ​allowing our suffering to compost into ​nurturing soil for our future selves.



Evolutionary Astrology

Viewing the natal chart as the ​curriculum of the Soul.

Soul Tarot

Viewing the Tarot as a way o ​building relationship to Soul.

Human Design

Viewing the individual body ​as a mechanical genius.

my offering

Soul Guidance Session

A one-hour session devoted to helping you gain ​clarity, insight, and orientation in your life. This is ​not about answering YES/NO questions, but rather ​about exploring and questioning the deeper ​meaning in your experience.

In this session, we may refer to the birth chart, the ​tarot, human design - all three or none at all. My ​intuition and our interaction and dialogue lead us ​both into the asking of questions, knowing that the ​answers can’t be far behind.

“Megan created a safe and rooted space in which to explore my ​natal chart and navigate, with gentle and professional care, some ​of my biggest pain points.” Mallory Dowd (@mallorydowd)

“Megan is a skillful and confident navigator of the stars, turning ​all that complicated sky-data into rich, insightful stories. Lauren ​Holloway

Megan is a masterful space holder and practitioner. Her wisdom ​and insight were skilfully directed and I experienced such a ​strong witnessing from being in session with her. Nadia Prihani

my credentials

AMW Heart & Soul Centered Astrology

Chart Interpretation Course

Student Practice Course

JWG School of Evolutionary Astrology

The School of Evolutionary Astrology Course

Lindsay Mack’s Soul Tarot School

Tarot for the Wild Soul

Britten LaRue

The Magician’s Table: A Workshop Circle for Emerging Readers

My offering is the result of my intention to deeply meet ​my clients where they are.

megan woods

Let's do magick ​together
